Get ready to make an animal-free cheese omelet drenched in blue cheeze dressing and ketchup! Something to get you up any time of day, but so special looking and tasting making it perfect for celebratory fare!

Makes a great brunch dish for 2 or 3 mains, or 6 sides

a large non-stick pan is required


8 oz. bottle JUST EGG Plant-based scramble, refrigerated

1 T. extra virgin olive oil

1 T. A-F margarine

1 t. dried basil

salt and black pepper

2 slices of your favorite animal-free cheddar singles, at room temperature, cut into small squares

daiya Blue Cheeze Dressing



Let’s get this omelet made.

1- Using a large or extra-large non-stick skillet – mine is 12 inch diameter – place on burner, turn heat onto medium, add the oil and the margarine. Swirl in skillet till melted.

2- Now we’re going to do the omelet hokey-pokey.

3- Swirl oils to evenly coat skillet. Pour contents of bottle into skillet, followed by basil, salt and pepper.

4- Wait till parts of egg batter start to bubble, then tilt the pan in all directions, shaking it a little to start a loosening process. Repeat every minute till the top is jelled enough to lift 1/3 of the egg round over onto the center.

5- Now do the same with the other side, flip carefully over on top of the other third. Pat it down to make it stick.

6- Reduce heat to low, cover and steam-cook (sort of) till you like the degree of doness. Stay in the kitchen, and keep looking. Remove from heat.

7- You need two platters or large plates.

8- Carefully remove whole omelet to platter. Pour dressing along top from end to end. then pour ketchup the sae way. Using clean fingers or a spatula marble lightly, spreading without combining colors too much; we want the red and the white to show.

9- The platter will be messy, so lift carefully to a clean platter. Take it to the table uncut. Serve.

10- Garnish if you want with fresh greens, parsley or cilantro, but it doesn’t require it. You decide for you.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

CHEF DAVIES-TIGHT™. AFC Private Reserve™. THE ANIMAL-FREE CHEF™. The Animal-Free Chef Prime Content™. ANIMAL-FREE SOUS-CHEF™. Animal-Free Sous-Chef Prime Content™. ANIMAL-FAT-FREE CHEF™. Fat-Free Chef Prime Content™. AFC GLOBAL PLANTS™. THE TOOTHLESS CHEF™. WORD WARRIOR DAVIES-TIGHT™. Word Warrior Premium Content™. HAPPY WHITE HORSE™. Happy White Horse Premium Content™. SHARON ON THE NEWS™. SHARON'S FAMOUS LITTLE BOOKS™. SHARON'S BOOK OF PROSE™. CHALLENGED BY HANDICAP™. BIRTH OF A SEED™. LOCAL UNION 141™. Till now and forever © Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist. ARCHITECT of 5 PRINCIPLES TO A BETTER LIFE™ & FIVE STAR ANIMAL-FREE CUISINE™.

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